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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Custom Search for MyReader

I used the Google Reader to organize my feeds of the various blogs, I frequently browse through. It is really more manageable now, and I don't have to check to their sites quite often to check, if some new post exists ? It is similar to Observer Pattern ;-)

Any way, although, I have just 13 feeds as of yet, but felt the need to search within these 13 feeds.

Here goes my own custom search engine made using Google co-op :- My Reader Search Engine.

Thanks to this article :- How to Add Search to Google Reader

Life seems a bit better now :-) !

My Album

I took sometime to organize my pics (Thanks to Gurpreet for sending me the pics) using the picasa . Did some experimentation with the same, and found it to be quite good :-)

So, here goes the album :-

Click the pic to see the album !

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