2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder. What is the smallest number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?
Solution/s :
One of the solution is straight forward as Ruby exposes such a nice library (Actually it feels like a cheat :))
require 'rational'
puts (1..20).inject(1) { |result, n| result.lcm n }
The other solution involves a little bit of math/algorithm. Hopefully you will enjoy it.
# Directly using the ruby library
# require 'rational'
# puts (1..20).inject(1) { |result, n| result.lcm n }
# The other solution (Code below) Steps :
# 1. Fetch all the primes less than "n" in an array (it would be automatically sorted, which will save our efforts later)
# 2. For the smallest member "k" of the prime list, find the maxm power "m" such that k**m <=n (For, e.g. 2**4<20)
# 3. Replace the smallest member from the array with k**m (For e.g. replace 2 with 16, because anything divisible by k**m
# would be itself be divisible by k**0..m-1)
# 4. Repeat the steps 2-3, for the next member of the array (starting with the power #m-1). when the power becomes 1, no need
# to iterate.
# 5. Multiply the members of the final array.
# Sample runs :
# For n = 10
# All the primes :
# [2, 3, 5, 7]
# All the multipliers :
# [8, 9, 5, 7]
# 2520
# For n = 20
# All the primes :
# [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
# All the multipliers :
# [16, 9, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
# 232792560
require 'mathn'
def collect_primes(n)
primes_list = []
primes = Prime.new
primes.each { |x| break if x >= n; primes_list<<x; }
puts "All the primes :"
p primes_list
def root(arg, base)
def get_all_the_multipliers(n)
primes_list = collect_primes(n)
max_base = get_max_base_for_two(n)
primes_list.each_with_index do |item, index|
max_base = get_max_base_for_current_number(n,max_base,primes_list[index+1])
if max_base <=1 then break
puts "All the multipliers :"
p primes_list
def get_mulitiplied_value(n)
list_of_multipliers = get_all_the_multipliers(n)
list_of_multipliers.inject(1){|total, i| total*i}
def get_max_base_for_two(n)
while root(n,i) >= 2
i = i+1;
return i-1
def get_max_base_for_current_number(n,max_base, current_number)
base = max_base - 1
while current_number**base > n
base = base - 1
return base
puts get_mulitiplied_value(20)
#puts get_mulitiplied_value(10)
Comments are welcome .
You can use Symbol.to_proc to make that shorter.
(2..20).inject &:lcm
of course jeff told me that was cheating. But thanks to wikipedia writing my own lcm was trivial.
you need a rubyism:
Using lcm is a cheat since that is the program you are really producing.
a clojure general solution might look something like this:
(defn euler-5 [m]
(let [prime-pow-fn (fn [x] (loop [acc x] (if (> (* x acc) m) acc (recur (* x acc)))))
primes (take-while (fn[x] (<= x m)) '(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19))]
(reduce * 1 (map prime-pow-fn primes))))
'(2 3 5...) should be a lazy prime # sequence
Yet again, map/reduce to the rescue.
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